Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Dear eMBers,
Your Morning Bullets are here. Let’s dig in.
Looking to up your investment game?
You may be going about it all the wrong way.
According to one of our favorite traders, Jeff Clark, the key is simplicity.
“The stock market only moves in three directions. It moves up. It moves down. And it moves sideways. So, really, all you need to do in order to profit is to utilize a strategy that takes advantage of moves in those three directions.”
It’s not about algorithms, analysts or hours spent stalking the stock market.
In fact, it’s not really even about the stocks.
It’s about the strategy.
And you can do it following as few as three stocks.
“You can pick any three stocks you like. In any given year, just about every stock will experience several week-long periods of rallies, declines, and consolidations. All you have to do is spend a few moments each day determining which patterns the stocks are in.”
Once you’ve done this, the next step is choosing your option strategy.
Why options?
Because they reduce your risk!
See exactly how Jeff is doing it, and how you can, too.
Read more here.
Silicon Valley has had a rough year.
Some of their favorite unicorns have lost $100 Billion in the last 12 months.
And it’s got investors and executives singing new tunes.
Executives are shifting from growth to profitability.
Investors are growing more cautious and pumping the brakes.
“We’ve been in the middle of a rollicking party that’s gone on for five years and someone has snapped on the light switch,” said Chris Douvos, whose firm, Ahoy Capital, invests in venture-capital firms and startups. “We are all adjusting our eyes and no one has any idea how the rest of the night is going to go. That’s how Silicon Valley feels right now.”
From WeWork to Uber, the ripples are impacting the market.
“Every few years something happens to smack people on the head,” said Mr. Epstein. “The impact of WeWork on the funding marketplace has been material. I have seen that in real time.”
So what does it mean for the short-term? And the long-term?
And how will investors and the market respond?
Read more here.
There’ve been some rough headlines for He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Called-to-the-Stand.
No, not Lord Voldemort. Or even the Whistleblower.
Hunter Biden.
We’re going to ignore some of the less family-friendly ones today, because it’s Thanksgiving. If you’re really curious, they aren’t that hard to find.
Instead, we’re going to focus on what everyone was distracted from with Ukraine-gate.
I guess we could call it The China Problem.
Source: FILE: Dec. 4, 2013: from left, Vice President Joe Biden, granddaughter Finnegan Biden, son Hunter Biden, arriving in Beijing, China. (AP)
“For almost six years, the firm connected to Hunter Biden in China has moved more than $2.5 billion into various automotive, technology, energy, and mining endeavors. Analysts point to the plethora of “ethical challenges” of Hunter doing such deals in China while his father was in the White House.”
“At a time when the Obama administration was trying to pivot to Asia, a policy that ultimately fell flat, one has to at least stop and think what connections between policy and personal interests were there,” said Harry Kazianis, senior director for the Center for the National Interest.
“While chances are Hunter Biden was doing what a lot of family members of famous politicians do – cash in on their name – it looks dirty.”
Join the journalist who decided to follow the money.
And the various controversies and conflicts she uncovered.
It’s so far beyond “just” Bursima.
Do you think Hunter Biden will ever be called to the witness stand and give us some answers?
Yes or No?
Read more here.
Good news! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, our colleague, expert trader Jeff Clark, is holding a first-ever Black Friday sale tomorrow.
I won’t spoil the surprise for you, but in short: You’ll have the chance to get one of his most popular research services for a deal so good… you’ll have to see it to believe it.
Seriously, it’s the best deal he’s ever offered, by far. Make sure to check your inbox tomorrow morning for all the details. Look for the subject line: “Your Special Black Friday Deal.”
The whole world has Bloomberg in their cross hairs.
It’s like a Bloominati Conspiracy or something, right?
I mean, based on the numbers, Democrats may actually hate him more than they hate Trump!
He’s polling at just 2%.
He entered the race because he didn’t feel that any of the Democratic line-up could win against Trump.
And we guess he still doesn’t. At least his campaign manager can see who is in the lead…
“Right now, Donald Trump is winning. He is winning that election,” Bloomberg’s campaign manager Kevin Sheekey told CNN this week.
“It’s very tough for people who don’t live in New York or California to understand that, but that is what’s happening.”
The author summed this one up beautifully…
“Democrats have to nominate someone sane enough to win over swing voters. It might be a bridge too far… With Warren’s and Sanders’s aggressive taxation plans, it’s no wonder Democrats are afraid for the candidates’ chances in a solid economy. More moderate than his peers but too timid to talk over them at the Democratic debates, even Biden is losing ground. The fact that Bloomberg picked this week to jump into the race is telling.”
Read more here.
Here’s a weird news story that should warm your heart on Thanksgiving…
If you’ve ever lost a wedding ring, it should make you smile. And pray you had this guy on your team…
Source: Brendan Cheever
It was found on a 4,000 foot snow-covered New Hampshire mountain.
Tom Gately found it using a metal detector after the owner, Bill Giguere, put out a plea.
What do you think?
Crazy or Weird?
Read more here.
Thanks for reading today and being a loyal subscriber.
Your biggest fan, Frederick Frost
P.S. We’d love your opinion.
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