Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Dear eMBers,
INVESTOR INSIGHTS – All eyes on the Fed
I doubt we’ll see a major rally today.
It will be important. President Trump is not happy with them. And Fed has done a lot of flip-flopping over the last year.
However, it seems like energy is building (for a move higher).
And the FOMC announcement could be the catalyst.
Am I betting on it?
I’m not. I’m sitting in cash – quite comfortably.
I used to love “exciting” trades which meant I was early, I was down, and I held (and prayed) for the positions to turn around.
I had FOMO – fear of missing out.
The anxiety over missing big trades is very real.
And it usually – or really, almost always – led to big mistakes and big losses.
But over time and with experience it slowly faded away.
Now, I feel no stress. No pressure.
Remember that CASH is also a position.
And online shopping is much cheaper than forcing trades!
Slack is set to go public later this week.
Hilary is upset.
She said:
Let’s take a look…
Russian cash flowed to the Clinton Foundation as reported by the NY Times. – Clintons received four donations from Russia funneled through their Clinton Foundation account at the HSBC Bank of Canada totaling $2.35 Million Dollars.
Meanwhile, no one has EVER made any outlandish claims about President Trump…
The big day is here.
President Trump will officially launch his 2020 campaign today.
The rally is in Orlando, Florida.
And it will break records.
President Trump said the campaign received over 100,000 ticket requests.
And the arena sits ‘only’ 20,000.
The kick off is at 10am.
But Trump supporters started lining up 40 hours earlier…
My friend lives in Orlando. And he told me he saw a monster truck driving down I-4 flying a giant American flag and giant “Trump 2020” flag…
What should be the 2020 campaign slogan?
Instead of a picture, I have a quick story for you…
The original package of M&M’s contained brown, yellow, orange, red, green and violet colored candies.
The red ones were taken out of the mix in 1976.
This is not because they contained red dye #2.
It was because company officials were afraid customers would think it did contain that dye…
I can’t get into all the news and interesting information out there in this one email, so what you’ll find here are articles, presentations, and resources I’m digging into and believe you should as well.
Take a look at this document below. I had to blur parts of it out…
It’s a trade confirmation for the NEWEST type of investment with exponential upside.
Hint: it’s NOT crypto.
Wall Street essentially locked you out of this new investment until 6 months ago…
Your biggest fan,
P.S. We’d love your opinion.
How useful did you find today’s Morning Bullets?
Not useful – It was ok – It was good – Extremely Useful 15.5% 10.9% 44.3% 30.2%
Note: Percentages are updated once per week on Sundays and include all feedback since inception.