Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Dear eMBers,
How long can the multi-family boom stay viable?
That’s what economists are asking.
Multifamiily lending reached all-time highs in 2017. And it’s stayed strong since.
In a recent report, mortgage originations in commercial and multifamily were up 10% annually for our second quarter.
And up 29% from the first quarter of the year.
And Fed rate cuts are seen as a positive boost for the sector.
Demand is also super strong.
“Other than persistent weakness in a very small number of metros… one has to strain very hard to find bad news in the national apartment rent numbers.”
Occupancy rates are at record highs, at 96.2%.
But new construction is scaling back.
And construction loans are getting harder to secure.
How long can the multifamily market keep it up?
Did Google Maps just kill Waze?
Hey Hillary – you can take off your tin foil hat at any time.
“From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know – it was always you, through your proxies and … powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose.”
On Wednesday, October 23rd, trading legend Jeff Clark is holding his first-ever stock-trading event to reveal: The S-Force Method: How to Make More Money Than You Can With Options — Trading a Group of Tiny Stocks… If you’re looking for a simple, hands-off way to make huge gains quickly, I’d do everything you can to be there. Click here to register for free Jeff is one of America’s foremost options experts. For 36 years now, he’s helped all kinds of people get rich with options. But about 18 months ago, he created a stock-trading system… and the results have been amazing. Using his system, he’s spotted stocks that shot up 100%… 236%… 308%… even 600% — in a short amount of time. Put simply: He’s cracked the code. He’s discovered a way to get “better than options” gains — using nothing but a small group of stocks. No special permission required. No expiration dates. Just simple buying and selling using your existing brokerage account. And, for the first time, he’s finally sharing his system.
The FISA report is coming soon.
It seems phones have taken the dog’s place as man’s best friend.
Source: Marc Teyssier
The smart shell skin has many purposes, but let’s face it –
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Big News from Trading Legend Jeff Clark For the past 36 years, I’ve used options to help people make millions of dollars. So you may be surprised to hear that I’m making a big change. For the first time, I’m telling people to start trading a small group of tiny stocks. That’s right… not options, but stocks. Why on earth am I doing this? After all, don’t options offer you the biggest bang for your buck?