Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Dear eMBers,
My friend Teeka Tiwari is hosting a free “5 Coins To $5 Million” event tonight at 8pm EST.
Unfortunately, I’m going to be travelling at that time. And I need to ask you for a favor.
Would you mind listening in and taking notes for me?
I’ll send $200 to whoever sends me the best notes.
I’m sure many of you are going to volunteer to take notes. However, even if you’re not taking notes, you should definitely tune in.
I have known Teeka for a few years and every time he has given a recommendation on these live events, the gains have been huge. And I don’t want to miss it and neither should you.
And please make sure you write down his number 1 recommendation that he’s giving out on the webinar. He hasn’t even told me what it is yet.
The stock market is stuck in a tight range. And all eyes are on the Fed.
The announcement is at 2pm EST. I follow a number of quant traders and one of them posted interesting info.
Quantifiable Edges posted these stats. He showed how the S&P 500 has performed between the time of the announcement (2pm EST) and the market close on Fed Days since Mr. Powell took over.
He found the market has struggled. Out of 12 trades only 4 or 33.33% were profitable assuming you buy at 2pm EST and sell at the market close.
We’ll see if it likes tomorrow’s announcement any better.
Take a look…
Uber announced it will begin testing its self-driving cars in Dallas, Texas in November.
Initially, human drivers will operate the vehicles to collect mapping data and driving scenarios.
Uber will then reproduce driving scenarios in simulation.
I don’t know about you, but I prefer a human driver…
An Arizona gun store had an interesting sale.
In defiance of Beto O’Dork, Alpha Dog Firearms ran a ‘Beto special’ on AR-15s. It priced them at $349.99 below the $395 price Beto posted on Twitter.
The rifles sold out in less than four hours.
Thanks Beto on behalf of all the new AR-15 gun purchasers who probably would not have bought them if it’s wasn’t for you.
I can’t get into all the news and interesting information out there in this one email, so what you’ll find here are articles, presentations, and resources I’m digging into and believe you should as well.
My friend Teeka Tiwari is hosting a free “5 Coins To $5 Million” event tonight at 8pm EST.
I have known Teeka for a few years and every time he has given a recommendation on these live events, the gains have been huge. And I don’t want to miss it and neither should you.
Click here to sign up for this event
Your biggest fan,
P.S. We’d love your opinion.
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Not useful – It was ok – It was good – Very Useful 12.9% 13.7% 46.8% 26.5%
Note: Percentages are updated once per week on Sundays and include all feedback since inception.