Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Fellow eMBers,
On Monday, I talked about the end of the market sell off. And I said it’s a good idea to add some long exposure.
I was right.
And everyone I talked to profited. Even Frost Junior (my son).
He’s in lower school but he’s always eager to learn.
I’m teaching him about trading.
Because I think trading is the ultimate home business. No product, no website, and no advertising.
And I want him to know how to make extra money on the side… consistently.
On Monday, I showed him how to do a quick options trade (his first ever).
He went long the stock market using SPY call options (with my help).
How did it play out?
Awesome, Frost Junior said.
Take a look at the screenshot from his E-trade account:
He bought the SPY calls at $4.33 (at the market open on Monday) and sold them for $4.98 on Tuesday.
A gain of 13% or $113 (after commissions) in 24 hours.
He was SOOOO excited. I told him to hold on to them longer but he couldn’t resist the gains. And he told me to sell. LOL… it was fun.
But I hope he develops more patience and discipline (the key to success in trading).
Anyway, if you added long exposure, it might be a good idea to take some profits.
Are you interested in options trading?
Yes – I’m interested OR No – I don’t want to make side income
Enough about trading. Let’s continue with my research on CBD.
INVESTOR INSIGHTS – CBD Primer (part 2 of 3)
Yesterday, I gave you a quick overview of CBD.
Today, I’m going to talk about the medical benefits.
CBD has been called a medical miracle.
Harvard Medical School … the Mayo Clinic … and other scientists who study it conclude it is effective in reducing seizures.
Nick Jikomes, a PhD in neuroscience from Harvard, says:
“Perhaps the most remarkable thing about CBD is the sheer number and variety of its potential therapeutic applications.”
CBD is drastically reducing the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis….
It’s also used to address anxiety… insomnia… chronic pain… and more.
And equally important is… CBD does not get you high.
Arthritis sufferers love it too.
Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the United States.
Half of seniors suffer from it.
New studies suggest CBD could help treat arthritis and relieve pain.
And best of all, it’s most effective at low doses.
Now that CBD is legal…
Just imagine what scientists will discover.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see Nobel prize winning research coming from CBD…
Tomorrow we’ll talk about the CBD market and the investment opportunities.
I read reports predicting the CBD market will be worth $22 billion in just three years, outpacing all other cannabis markets.
WOW! Exciting stuff.
Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow to learn more…
Silicon Valley meets CBD.
Amyris is a Silicon Valley-based company. It uses living things to make sweetener and face cream. And it’s the latest company to dive into CBD.
In March, Amyris inked a $300 million deal with a new startup to make lab-grown CBD.
Their goal?
“Flavor solution” to an emerging problem with the $1 billion CBD industry.
They want to use their sweetener to make CBD-based drinks that actually taste good.
President Trump’s leadership ratings jump. He beat Obama on issues and ideology.
I can’t get into all the news and interesting information out there in this one email, so what you’ll find here are articles, presentations, and resources I’m digging into and believe you should as well.
This looks very interesting. And the presenter is great (and very sharp).
How to Make 100% Legal Cannabis Profits – this year
Your biggest fan,
P.S. We’d love your opinion.
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