Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Fellow eMBers,
I have been reading a lot about legalization of pot.
But the fact is, recreational pot legalization has stalled.
Because the federal government is holding all the cards.
And it could take years, even decades, before all 50 states legalize it.
But the real question is:
Do you need to wait for pot legalization to make money?
It’s a great question.
And I decided to get to the bottom of it.
I will break it down to three parts over three days… because there is a lot to talk about.
Today, we’ll start with a general overview.
There are two different types of products created by the cannabis plant.
There’s what most people know as pot (or weed). This contains THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, a psychoactive compound that makes people feel “high.”
THC is listed as a Schedule One drug by the FBI as a result.
Right there with heroin and meth.
The second type of cannabis is hemp. And hemp produces a chemical called CBD. That stands for cannabidiol.
What does it do? And why is it so potentially valuable?
We don’t have time to go in to the science here… so I’ll keep it simple.
For starters, it’s not psychoactive. It doesn’t get you “high.”
So it’s not a Schedule One drug.
What it does, exactly, scientists are just beginning to explore.
We know that it likely works better than big pharma meds at alleviating pain….
Specialty businesses extract CBD from the hemp plant…
They combine it with natural oils like coconut oil and olive oil…
To make “tinctures” called CBD oil.
A few years ago, nobody knew what CBD oil was.
Millions of people are taking it as a health supplement.
And that’s where the immediate opportunities are…
Tune in tomorrow and I will continue to dig into CBD and review its medical benefits.
Yesterday was a bad day for the tech giants…
– Google shares drop 6% after a weekend from hell – Facebook shares tumbled 7.5% – Apple shares dropped 1%
What happened?
DOJ and FTC are going after them. And they are launching anti-trust investigations.
The war on Silicon Valley is here…
Stay tuned as we continue to cover this crackdown on big tech.
Sempra Energy said on Friday the $10 billion Cameron liquefied natural gas export terminal in Louisiana had shipped its first cargo.
Take a look at the tanker (called Marvel Crane) carrying the first cargo:
That’s great news and another big win for President Trump.
Well done, Mr. President.
Failed presidential candidate Hilary Clinton called Bernie Sanders a sore loser.
And she said “he’ll burn the place down”.
Here’s a long list of people she blames for her election loss: – Barack Obama – FBI Director James Comey – Russia – Democratic National Committee – Bernie Sanders
And the list goes on and on.
To summarize… Hillary is giving someone a hard time for not accepting a loss gracefully?
A good one…
I can’t get into all the news and interesting information out there in this one email, so what you’ll find here are articles, presentations, and resources I’m digging into and believe you should as well.
We covered a lot of ground on 5G last week.
Here is the presentation in case you missed it:
$100 billion 5G device revealed for first time
Your biggest fan,
P.S. We’d love your opinion.
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