Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Dear eMBers,
Your Morning Bullets are here. Let’s dig in.
So, how does Trump’s economic performance compare to past presidents?
Turns out, he’s in the Top 5.
Slot #4, to be exact.
The three presidents who took the lead?
FDR, Truman and Eisenhower.
The Bloomberg report took the total return on the S&P 500 and adjusted for inflation.
The starting point – election day, not Inauguration Day.
And the report ended at 3 years.
So far, Trump has seen a 44.3%.
And he’s clearly beat out Kennedy, Clinton, Obama and both Bushes,
Take a look at out how presidents have performed.
Read more here.
Big Tech wants you to make a switch.
Put away your cell phone and pick up some smart glasses.
Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Apple are all working on face-friendly computing.
But consumers aren’t quite ready for it – yet.
The day is coming, though.
The biggest consumer complaints?
The cost and size.
Until they’re cheaper and smaller, we’ll continue to resist.
Apple expects to have an easy-to-wear, all day long version by 2023.
Plus there are valid privacy concerns.
So valid that when Google Glass appeared, it came with a code of best practices.
The ultimate goal? Not to be a gl___hole (you can fill in the blanks.)
Find out more about the trend.
Are you ready for smart glasses?
Yes or No?
Read more here.
Stephen Moore wants you to know an important thing amid all of the liberal lunacy.
“Income redistribution is not an economic growth plan.”
And he quotes his buddy Art Laffer as he explained it.
“You want a tax system that tries to make poor people rich, not make rich people poor.”
But all he hears Democratic candidates saying is, “sock it to the rich and give it to the poor.”
It’s like something straight out of Atlas Shrugged.
Source: Fox News
While Dems are busy vilifying the rich, what are the rich doing?
“They are all the job creators and the wealth creators of our economy… They’ve created hundreds and thousands of jobs. They’ve created…higher incomes…I hate this bashing of the rich.”
If they’re looking for a solution, and not just sound bites, he’s got some advice.
Focus more on growing the economy than stealing from the rich to give to the poor.
Be more productive, less punitive.
Read more here.
A few nights ago, I got an email from one of my favorite investors… Teeka Tiwari.
I don’t know if you know who he is or not.
But he’s easily one of the top 3 most successful investment analysts in the history of the financial media…
For example, he’s on record helping people see gains of over 11,000% and 14,000% on just two of his record-breaking trade recommendations — enough to turn $500 invested in each into $125,000.
And now, Teeka’s revealing a new, unique, and exciting opportunity I think could prove even more important for you and your family.
It’s an entirely different kind of trading system developed by a rocket scientist, a software engineer with aerospace giant Northrop Grumman, and a former member of the Chicago Board of Trade…
Teeka and his team have spent the past four months testing a number of trades, some with real money on the line. And they’ve seen opportunities that could have seen them take gains off the table such as $2,100, $5,100, or $7,600 in only 3 to 8 days.
The other results Teeka’s shown me privately are truly amazing.
And he’s getting ready to share all the details for the first time, in a special event on Wednesday, November 13th.
Register Automatically Now.
Despite all of the intrigue, Trump’s numbers are strong.
And they’ll stay that way unless there’s a massive shift in the Democratic Party.
The party is just too big and too wide to center around a single candidate.
On one side, you’ve got Bernie.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, Bloomberg.
And the distance between is impossibly vast.
There seems to be zero chance that these factions will ever join together.
So what do Democrats think needs to happen?
The impossible.
“…to get white Midwestern conservatives to return to the party after they either switched to Trump or stayed home in 2016, and inspire a level of enthusiasm among black voters that approaches what they felt when Obama was running, and keep white urban and suburban liberals engaged enough that they both show up to vote for the party’s nominee a year from now and refuse to back a third-party candidate from the socialist left if Biden gets the nomination or one from the plutocratic center if Sanders or Warren do.”
Fat chance that’s going to happen.
So, looks like Trump is in for another big win.
Read more here.
This little cat’s in big trouble.
What’s his crime?
Staging shelter breakouts of other “inmates.”
And now, he’s in solitary confinement.
Source: Facebook
Quilty the cat remains in lock up and failed his latest parole hearing.
He’s a repeat offender who keeps jail-breaking his feline friends “several times a day.”
Gives cat wrangling a whole new meaning.
Crazy or Weird?
Read more here.
Thanks for reading today and being a loyal subscriber.
Your biggest fan, Frederick Frost
P.S. We’d love your opinion.
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12.6% 13.26% 47.48% 26.67%
Note: Percentages are updated once per week on Sundays and include all feedback since inception.