Why is everyone so obsessed about when the housing market will crash?

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On this day, in what year, was President Abraham Lincoln shot?

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Five things you need to know before you start your day

.Image Source: CNBC

Stock futures were on the up and up this morning, as a surge of earnings from this country’s biggest banks flooded in, with Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase leading the way. Both financial institutions blew expectations out of the water.

Meanwhile, the cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase Global was valued at about $65 billion, and the world’s largest digital currency soared to nearly $65,000 a coin.

And an advisory committee for the CDC will convene today to discuss the blood-clotting incidences among six recipients of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Moderna also released some promising new data about the efficacy of its two-dose drug.

What else should you be aware of as you start your day today?

Other News That Matters To You:

This investing legend is letting you in on his next top pick


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Paul Mampilly is a Wall Street legend.

(Barron’s crowned his hedge fund as the “world’s best” and Kiplinger ranked it in the top 1%.)

But a few years ago, he left Wall Street.

“I just grew tired of helping the rich get richer,” Paul explains. “So I started sharing my No. 1 investment picks with Main Street Americans.”

And his No. 1 stock picks across his various research services have been phenomenal.

In 2017, he recommended Plug Power. It gained 1142% in 3.5 years.

In June 2018, he recommended Tandem Diabetes. It’s currently up 520% and still climbing.

In December 2019, he recommended Enphase Energy. It gained 638% in 1 year.

And in March of last year, he recommended Carvana. It’s currently up 877%and still climbing.

But Paul believes his No. 1 stock pick for 2021 could go even higher.

(By clicking this link you will be automatically opted in to Bold Profits Daily)


Did a CNN staffer just admit the network pushed anti-Trump propaganda?

Image Source:  Getty Images

In a shocking new video released by Project Veritas, a man identified by the group as a CNN staff member described in detail the propaganda the network used to get President Joe Biden elected.

If the man in the video really is the CNN Technical Director, the video is pretty damning. He says: “Look what we did, we got Trump out. I am 100% going to say it, and I 100% believe that if it wasn’t for CNN, I don’t know that Trump would have got voted out. I came to CNN because I wanted to be a part of that.”

So far, CNN has not responded to requests for comment on the matter.

“[Trump’s] hand was shaking or whatever, I think,” the man, who was identified as Charlie Chester, continued. “We brought in so many medical people to tell a story that was all speculation that he was neurologically damaged, and he was losing it. He’s unfit to, you know, whatever. We were creating a story there that we didn’t know anything about. That’s what, I think that’s propaganda.”

What do you think about all of this?

More Headline You Need To Read:

Thanks for reading once again! And don’t worry, I didn’t forget:

Here’s where you can go to check your answer!

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Your biggest fan,


Fredrick Frost

P.S.  How useful did you find today’s Morning Bullets? 

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Author: Fredrick Frost

Fedrick Frost is the Editor-in-Chief of Morning Bullets. He mainly writes about Politics, The Economy and breaking news. With over 35 years in jounralism he has been influential in helping the morning bullets newsletter readers be informed every morning.