Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor Nov 4, 2019 View in Browser Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor
Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Dear eMBers,
Your Morning Bullets are here. Let’s dig in.
Monday morning pre-market futures look bright.
The Dow S&P and Nasdaq futures are up modestly.
The S&P and Nasdaq are already trading at record highs.
The Dow Jones has new records in their sights.
Dow futures are up 0.4%.
Both the S&P and Nasdaq have climbed 0.5%.
And the Dow is looking good despite a big drop for McDonald’s.
When ranked for weight, it’s the 6th biggest in the DJIA.
Is the current bull rally here to stay?
It’s hard to tell. In the past, market rallies with record highs soon face downward pressure.
Also be sure to see who has broken out into “buy” territory.
Do you think the market can maintain its recent run?
Yes or No?
Read more here.
Everyone has Big Tech in the cross fires.
It’s coming from the left, the right and the center.
So, when did they move from being garage-based innovators to surveillance capitalists?
And when did they stop offering utopia and start selling dystopia?
That’s the focus on a recent Financial Times piece.
Author Rana Foroohar focuses on the three big shifts. And what they mean for the rest of the world.
Read more here.
Nothing says TDS like fantasy financing in the range of $52 trillion.
Warren plans to fund the plan with tax hikes of $20 trillion on the Top 1%.
It’s a move sure to devastate Wall Street.
And totally drain today’s successful economy.
And Warren’s promise?
The middle-class Americans will see cost reductions to the tune of $11 trillion.
It’s totally ridiculous.
Source: Townhall
She plans to completely abolish employer-based health insurance.
It will affect 158 million Americans.
But still, she keeps feeding us the B.S.
“No one gets left behind. Some of the people currently working in health insurance will work in other parts of insurance. In life insurance, in auto insurance, in car insurance.”
One thing is abundantly clear.
Warren has ZERO understanding of the private sector.
Read more here.
Robert Herjavec believes “the walls have finally come down” on what was once America’s most exclusive investing opportunity.
He’s talking about angel investing — getting in on the deals like you see Robert make on Shark Tank.
Now there’s a way that everyone capitalize on this secret market. Startups can go from obscurity to being worth billions of dollars in a blink of an eye.
Robert reveals TWO private deals you can act on today.
Read More Here
If there’s one thing to be said about Trump’s campaign staff, it’s this:
They sure are savvy. The pile of cash they’ve piled up has dropped the jaws of Democrats everywhere.
So how are they doing it?
They’re closely monitoring media reactions – to everything.
Speeches, press gaggles, tweets – you name it.
And whether it’s positive or negative, they find ways to spin it into pure, 100% gold.
They’re using the most controversial moments of the presidency to electrify his base.
And it’s clearly working.
“These are the things that only the Trump campaign can do because of who our candidate is.”
“What would be the death knell for any other candidate is often a $1 million idea for us.”
Read more here.
NASA missed a shocking close call last week.
And it was the closest ever close call.
It was only 3,852 miles distance above Earth.
Telecommunications satellites orbit at an altitude of 22,236 miles (35,786 km).
Crazy or Weird?
Read more here.
Free Event with Wall Street Trader: “If you can spare 12 seconds a month, I will show you how you could get a guaranteed shot to see $12,000 every 30 days – and to prove it to you, you’ll get your first trade recommendation FREE…”
This is completely different from anything we’ve ever sent you before… It involves a new trading system developed by a former member of the Chicago Board of Trade… a rocket scientist… and a software engineer with aerospace giant Northrop Grumman… It’s been credited with calling almost every major market turn in the Dow for two decades… If you can follow simple instructions and take 12 seconds to place a quick trade — ultimately you could see profits such as $2,100, $5,100, or $7,600 in 3 to 8 days. Join me on Wednesday, November 13, at 8 pm ET to discover how this little-known system can help you see the chance for $12,000 a month from the market — without buying a single stock.
Thanks for reading today and being a loyal subscriber.
Your biggest fan, Frederick Frost
P.S. We’d love your opinion.
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12.6% 13.5% 47.1% 26.8%
Note: Percentages are updated once per week on Sundays and include all feedback since inception.
Author: Fredrick Frost
Fedrick Frost is the Editor-in-Chief of Morning Bullets. He mainly writes about Politics, The Economy and breaking news. With over 35 years in jounralism he has been influential in helping the morning bullets newsletter readers be informed every morning.
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