Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Fellow eMBers,
You and I covered a lot of ground over the past few days regarding one of the biggest infrastructure projects in human history: 5G.
Watch it here in case you missed it: Number One Tech Stock of 2019.
You also sent me a lot of positive feedback about my research on 5G.
Thank you! I really appreciate it.
It motivates to work even harder and bring you more exciting research in the future.
I hope I continue to live up to your expectations.
Last night, I was at home watching TV. It was around 8:30pm.
And all the sudden, my phone is buzzing. Like crazy.
Text messages are coming in… from everywhere.
One of them was from one of the most successful hedge fund traders I know. But more about him later.
Hmmm… very strange (and unusual).
I pick my phone up and instantly see why…
Trump tweeted:
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My immediate reaction was to check the stock market.
And as I expected, the S&P futures plunged almost 30 points.
Does that make sense? I asked myself.
The answer was no.
Because these are emotional (not rational) reactions.
And they usually present big opportunities.
I think there will be an opportunity to go long in the market very soon.
Google has a creepy secret page.
And it tracks your shopping history (online and offline).
CNBC said Google has been doing this for years.
Because many, if not all digital receipts go to your Gmail account.
My purchase history goes back to 2012!
Do you want to see?
I’ll give you a sneak peek.
But I blacked out one personal item for privacy reasons [cough]… actually to spare myself the embarrassment.
Do you want me to reveal the item in my next issue?
Yes – Tell Me or No – I don’t want to know
Here is my recent purchase history:
Hit this link to check if your data is being collected on a Google Purchases page
And if you don’t like Google tracking you, read this:
How to delete your purchase data
Mueller is in the spotlight… for the last time (I think… ).
Do you want a shoutout from your favorite celebrity?
Well, now there is a way.
This is one of the coolest things I have seen (in a while).
It’s called Cameo, and it allows you to book personalized video shoutouts from your favorite people.
Here are example shoutouts from Dr. Drew and Snoop Dogg:
Hit the image to see them in action…
Should I buy a shoutout for the Morning Bullets subscribers?
I can’t get into all the news and interesting information out there in this one email, so what you’ll find here are articles, presentations, and resources I’m digging into and believe you should as well.
Your biggest fan,
P.S. We’d love your opinion.
How useful did you find today’s Morning Bullets?
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