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So, without any further ado, let’s dig in…
Image Source: The Daily Wire
This wasn’t just the biggest story of the weekend, it was the most horrifying.
After two police officers were ambushed in Los Angeles over the weekend, Black Lives Matter protesters attempted to block the entrance and then storm the hospital they were rushed to.
And the chants that there were roaring as they did so were bone-chilling.
Should these tyrants be allowed to continue their march across our great nation, there will be more headlines just like this one.
More News For Conservatives…
This Is As Close To A Perfect Stock As You’re Going To Get!
Image Source: Passport
Who doesn’t love Las Vegas? It’s America’s favorite city. Who knows – it may be the world’s favorite city.
Up until recently, no one ever thought that anything, or anyone, could ever destroy Las Vegas.
Now it’s looking like they were wrong…
Everyone needs to hear about what’s happening here. Las Vegas and the state of Nevada are in deep trouble.
Trust me, you’re next, if you put Biden and Democrats in charge of America.
Other Political Headlines…
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Your biggest fan,
Frederick Frost
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