Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Dear eMBers,
INVESTOR INSIGHTS – Going Against The Wall Street
Is going against the Wall Street a profitable strategy?
If you bought the most shorted stocks, and shorted the most popular stocks, here’s what would happen:
2014: +17.8% 2015: +12.6% 2016: +7.5% 2017: -10.6% 2018: +5.0% 2019 YTD: 18.8%
Will this strategy continue to work?
Nothing is guaranteed but for small retail investors who can’t move the market, it should continue to work.
Uber brings you exclusivity and efficiency…
Meet the Uber Copter.
You can now take a helicopter ride from lower Manhattan to JFK for an average of $200 for an 8-minute, one-way flight.
A flight to the Hampton runs between about $700 and up to $1400, depending on the aircraft.
The top 1% can now helicopter over the traffic jam…
Mass shootings are back.
Unfortunate events took place in El Paso and in Dayton, Ohio over the weekend.
And the Democrats are blaming President Trump.
NBC reported Democrat presidential candidate Cory Booker “argued Sunday the President Trump’s rhetoric on immigration has helped to stoke racial resentment and a climate of hate in light of Saturday’s mass shooting in El Paso, Texas.”
Liberals never blame the actual shooter. They only see opportunity to twist blame to instigate.
I can’t get into all the news and interesting information out there in this one email, so what you’ll find here are articles, presentations, and resources I’m digging into and believe you should as well.
A few years ago, President Trump said:
“I think America is in financial trouble. I believe our government has been mismanaged. I’m afraid many of today’s middle class will become the new poor, or worse, slip into poverty, even after years of hard work.”
Together, we wrote this book on how to help everyday Americans retire richer than they ever thought possible and it’s helped so many.
Click here to see what readers said and how to claim your copy of this book for just $1.
Your biggest fan,
P.S. We’d love your opinion.
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