Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Dear eMBers,
Facebook is entering the crypto game. The Libra is set to launch in 2020.
Backed by the Libra Association, this crypto is a bit different.
All cryptos use the blockchain concept. But the Libra plans to do things in non-traditional ways.
The Libra Association has 28 member companies. They hope to have 100 on board before launch.
What makes Libra different?
1. Libra isn’t fully decentralized. Libra nodes will only run from servers of the Association’s members. Critics question this move, but Facebook offered quick explanations. Fully decentralized, it couldn’t create a “global financial infrastructure.” The move is tied to handling capacity. They want to be able to handle 1,000 transactions/second. In contract to Bitcoin, which can only process 7 transactions/second. Visa can handle 24,000/second.
2. Libra will be launched as a “stable coin.” To minimize crypto volatility, Libra value is tied to assets of various currencies. In a recent letter, the breakdown looks like this: 50% US dollars, 18% Euro, 14% Japanese Yen, 11% British pound and 7% Singapore dollars. Missing from the mix? The Chinese yuan.
Despite the differences, criticism is strong.
Most fears hinge on the impact on financial stability.
Add in Facebook’s privacy and oversight issues.
According to one spokesperson, “We welcome the scrutiny…”
US Lawmakers are pressing for a halt until all issues get addressed.
Some original supporters are already backing out.
Google Shopping is looking for more ways into your wallet.
It has unveiled a revamped platform, with a few new bells and whistles. There’s a new personalized homepage with suggested products. You can also re-order common items. But they don’t stop there. Price-tracking is the biggest change. And, the most welcomed. If a wishlist item’s price drops, you’ll get a phone notification. The platform took a cue from Amazon. You can buy products direct from retailers. For products that can’t be blindly bought (like clothing), you can filter results to find the products you want in nearby stores. All purchases get the Google Guarantee. For fashionistas, Google Lens will offer style pointers for new products and old items in your closet.
The liberal lunacy endgame is getting clearer.
Former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks let the cat out of the bag on MSNBC.
If you thought the idea of Hillary returning was bad, you’ll love this.
Watch closely in coming days for more attacks against Pence.
Because now the goal is to impeach VP Pence FIRST, and then offer the President a “deal.”
Then, Trump will have two options. Replace him and keep a Republican in the White House or decline and let Pelosi take over.
Both “options” have a serious flaw.
The chances of impeachment proceeding clearing the Senate are slim to none.
We’ll grade this one an “I” for insanity!
Mulvaney is boldly predicting a post-impeachment landslide victory.
He thinks Trump could win 45 states in 2020.
And he wasn’t joking.
He doesn’t even consider it an exaggeration.
And the longer impeachment proceedings drag on, the better Trump will fare politically.
The space elevator was once the stuff of science fiction.
But not anymore…
Experts claim that the technology needed to make it happen already exists.
China plans to have one by 2045. Japan 2050.
I can’t get into all the news and interesting information out there in this one email, so what you’ll find here are articles, presentations, and resources I’m digging into and believe you should as well.
Former hedge fund manager and Wall Street insider Teeka Tiwari just got big news from an investigative reporter with special access to the White House. “If what I just heard is true — and it’s since been covered by 21 reputable sources, including insiders at Barron’s, The Wall Street Journal, and Fortune… Then a brand-new batch of pot stock millionaires will be made in the coming weeks. And, with one simple move, you can be one of them.” Click here for the full details on Teeka’s incredible discovery.
Your biggest fan,
P.S. We’d love your opinion.
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