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Hey there, Bullets Fans –
Your Morning Bullets Brief Updates are here! And that means trivia is, too.
On this day in 1877, Thomas Edison filed a patent for what invention?
Think you know the answer? You can check it in the closing area down below!
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Have you recently considered taking out a personal loan? If so, there are many different fees to keep an eye out for. One of those costs is the APR, or interest rate, of that loan. According to the Fed, the average interest you’ll pay is 9.34%, which is much better than the whopping 16.43% you’ll pay for your credit card debt.
However, what is the ideal interest rate to look for when you’re investigating your options?
According to Certified Financial Planner Rachel Sanborn, “this concept in finance called arbitrage,” helps determine that rate. “That is, effectively, borrowing money at a lower rate than you’re able to make on that money.”
What does that mean, exactly, and what APR helps you get there?
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Rush Limbaugh’s sign off for the holiday yesterday was deeply emotional. In addition to sharing highlights of his career and expressing gratitude to his listeners, he also communicated that he was thankful for surviving the year after his lung cancer diagnosis.
“I know so many people think this program has changed their lives for the better. You have no idea what you all have meant to me and my family. The day’s gonna come, folks, where I’m not gonna be able to do this. I don’t know when that is…I want you to understand that even when the day comes, I’d like to be here. ‘Cause I have this sense of needing to constantly show my appreciation for all that you have done and meant to me…”
In Case You Missed It
Thanks for reading once again! And don’t worry, I didn’t forget:
Here’s where you can go to check your answer!
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Your biggest fan,
Fredrick Frost
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