![]() Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor. Hey there, Bullets Fans – Your Morning Bullets Brief Updates are here! And that means trivia is, too. On this day, in what year, did the Supreme Court demand that Standard Oil be dissolved? Think you know the answer? You can check it in the closing area down below! Image Source: CNBC Even as the “vaccine selfie” has gained traction across social media channels, more and more people on Facebook are framing their photos with a different message entirely. There are a ton of overlays that Facebook users can place over their profile photo, sharing their disinterest in getting a shot. These frames have messages like “I TRUST MY IMMUNE SYSTEM! #NOTASHOT.” These frames appear to contradict Facebook’s policy against hosting anti-vaccine content, and a spokesperson said moderators are working toward their ultimate removal from the site. The social media giant instead pointed toward the pro-vaccine frames that are being widely circulated right now. “More than 5 million people globally have used these profile frames,” the company said. Other News That Matters To You: This investment report could be the key to your digital currency wealth
Image Source: Getty Images
Just six weeks ago, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned against the “impending doom” of the pandemic. But now, that same agency says that it is safe for vaccinated Americans to not only ditch their masks, but to pierce that six-foot bubble that had previously kept us all so isolated.
This has caused many to celebrate at even the idea of a return to normalcy. Disney announced that it would increase its capacity limits shortly after the CDC’s updated guidance.
“[It’s] big news for us, particularly if anybody’s been in Florida in the middle of summer with a mask on,” CEO Bob Chapek said on an earnings call.
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Fredrick Frost
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